Health & Wellbeing Coaching

What is Health & Wellbeing Coaching?

Chronic diseases —including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, account for some of the most common health problems in the UK, Yet many of these chronic diseases are preventable, as they’re linked to poor diet and lifestyle choices.

Health coaching helps to empower clients by enabling them to gain confidence to become active participants in their own care.

This not only has physical benefits, it has a positive effect on your mental wellbeing too.

The aim of coaching is for people to be the best they can be. Coaching is a process by which you take time to think through issues for yourself and come up with your own solutions. The premise is that people are resourceful, whether they know it or not, and ultimately know what is best for them. Our job as coaches is to provide exactly the right conditions for you to understand the power of your own thinking which you can take with you, well after our sessions are complete.

It involves a number, usually 6-8, of sessions with the coach supporting clients to reach self-identified health and wellbeing goals using motivational interviewing and behaviour change techniques.

Sessions last up to 1 hour preferably face to face but we can adapt to your needs.


Our Coach


Sally Milne

"Working as a Health & Wellbeing Coach at Horsham Central PCN, my role is supporting people to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to make healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes.  Focusing on improving health related outcomes, working with people to set personalised goals and change behaviours so that they feel more in control of their health and wellbeing.  I became a certified health coach last year after twenty years working as a nutritionist specialising in women’s health and fertility.  I remain passionate about empowering people to have the confidence to take proactive steps to improve and maintain their own health and wellbeing.  Hope this is the sort of thing you were after...keep working on the not working for a while longer if you can!"



Keeping yourself hydrated to #Findyourhealthy.

The NHS recommends you drink between 6-8 cups of water a day for optimal hydration. This doesn't need to be consumed as plain water and can include lower-fat milk and/or lower-sugar and sugar-free drinks such as squash, cordials or tea & coffee.

Some tips!

- A larger bottle and bottles that give you goals to achieve throughout the day are proven to increase people's hydration.
- Add flavour! Be mindful of the sugar content, though.
- Eat your water! Soups, broths and high-water content fruit and veg such as cucumber and watermelon can help.

Some benefits!

- Regulates body temperautre
- Improved brain performance
- Aids digestion
- Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition and mood.

Sleeping well to #Findyourhealthy. Here are some tips from our Health & Wellbeing Coach, Rachael.

Sleep prevention - Top 5

  • Feeling stressed throughout the day.
  • Eating too close to bedtime.
  • Using a screen whilst in bed.
  • Alcohol & coffee consumption
  • Sleeping somewhere new or in a new bed

Develop good habits

  • Keeping consistent sleep/wake times.
  • Dont lay in bed awake!
  • Avoid alcohol or smoking cigarettes within 3-4 hours prior to bed.
  • Keep a sleep journal.
  • Room temperature between 18-18.5C



Moving to #Findyourhealthy is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Given the overwhelming evidence, it seems obvious that we should all be physically active. It's essential if you want to live a healthy and fulfilling life into old age.

It's medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have lower risk of:

Exercise can be a simple as walking! Setting yourself an achievable goal such as 10,000 steps a day could burn approximately 500 calories! 


Eating a balanced proportioned diet to #findyourhealthy is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The average adult man requires around 2500kcal daily and a woman around 2000kcal.

Together with exercise, eating a healthy diet can also help you lose weight, and lower your cholesterol and blood pressure whilst also decreasing your risk of type 2 diabetes.

It's important to maintain a good relationship with food and your diet, so remember, you can still enjoy those foods you love but just in moderation.



Minding your mind is a great way to #FindYourHealthy. Ollie, our Patient Engagement & Communications Lead says;

"I use Headspace and Calm apps daily to help me unwind, particularly after a full-on day. They present you with daily challenges from breathing to meditation. For me, this is a great way to start my day. These apps also work wonders helping me switch off before bedtime."