Learning Disabilities

Support for those with learning disabilities and difficulties


A learning disability affects the way a person learns new things throughout their life.

A learning disability is different for everyone. No two people are the same.

A person with a learning disability might have some difficulty:

  • understanding complicated information
  • learning some skills
  • looking after themselves or living alone

A learning disability is different for everyone. Lots of people who have a learning disability can work, have relationships, live alone and get qualifications.

Other people might need more support throughout their life.

Doctors and other health workers might be able to tell if a person has a learning disability when they are very young. But some people get a diagnosis later in their lives. This can be when they are adults.

If you are diagnosed with a learning disability, you might be referred to other health professionals to get the support you need.


Annual Health Checks

Annual Health Checks

People with a learning disability often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. This does not need to be the case.

It is important that everyone over the age of 14 who is on their doctor’s learning disability register has an annual health check.

An annual health check can help you stay well by talking to a doctor or nurse about your health and finding any problems early, so they can be sorted out.

You do not have to be ill to have a health check – in fact, most people have their annual health check when they are feeling well.

If you are worried about seeing a doctor, or there is anything they can do to make your appointment better, let the doctor or nurse know.

They can make changes to help you. These are called reasonable adjustments.

The video and information below will help you understand more about Annual Health Checks and how you can get ready for your appointment.

Cancer Screening

Cancer Screening

Cancer screening means having special tests to make sure cancer is found early and you get treatment as soon as possible.

Thera Trust have produced some helpful information about knowing your body and how to check for symptoms. Books Beyond Words have leaflets you can read about cancer screening and what you can expect if you are invited to a screening appointment.

Here are some videos about breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening (smear tests) and bowel cancer screening.

Thank you to Dimensions, Horsham Central Primary Care Network, Autek, Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance and Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust for collaborating with NHS Sussex on these videos.

Breast Cancer Screening

Cervical Cancer Screening

Bowel Cancer Screening

This information is from Sussex ICS. To find out more, please visit Sussex Health & Care and NHS Sussex (ics.nhs.uk)